Aberdeen Business & Professional Club

The Aberdeen Business and Professional Club was founded in 1932, having its roots in The Rotary Club, and at one time having around 200 members. The object of the Club is to give an opportunity for the discussion of all questions, literary, scientific, artistic, industrial, commercial and social.

The Club meets weekly for lunch on Thursdays from mid-September to mid-June.   From June to September we hold informal lunches fortnightly.   After each lunch, we have a speaker who gives a talk for 25/30 minutes and once a month we have a Guest Speaker invited by the Club.    Each member is expected to speak about once per year or arrange for someone to speak for them and may invite guests to a lunch.   The lunch meetings convene at 12.00 for 12.30 p.m. and the proceedings end at approximately 2.00 p.m.

The Club normally has about 45 members, all business and professional men from Aberdeen and the surrounding area. The majority of the members are retired or nearing retirement.    Attendance at each lunch varies from between 25 and 30.

Membership is by invitation only.